Greek Yogurt Lime Pops

These greek yogurt lime pops pack a tangy, zesty punch! Refreshing citrus flavor with a super creamy texture. The best part is that they are fat free!

Cold, creamy, sweet and tangy. These greek yogurt lime pops are made with 0% fat plain greek yogurt, lime juice, lime zest and honey for sweetener. These pops are fat free, and guilt free!

I’m thinking I have a big case of spring fever. Next week is the official start of spring, but I cant wait any longer! This winter as been long and cold. I’m ready for that warm weather, and spring air. Not to mention the spring flavors!

One of those spring time flavors is citrus. I always like to incorporate citrus in a lot of my spring time baking. When I make my annual cheesecake for Easter, its almost always a citrus flavor.

Triple citrus, double citrus, lemon, lemon-lime, key-lime. You name it. Adding any type of citrus to a recipe that has a cream based ingredient (yogurt, cream cheese, sour cream) makes the recipe that much tastier.

You can buy popsicle molds almost anywhere. I bought mine at Marshalls. I know Walmart has them, and most grocery stores in the Tupperware aisle.

My molds came with the part that you hold when the popsicles are set, but they are bright red. So for photography purposes, I just stuck some wooden popsicle sticks in the batter that I happened to have for a more neutral look.

Super easy, so refreshing and delicious. Your kids will love them on a hot summer day! Perfect for a sweet treat at night that will take care of that sugar craving!

If you make these pops, I hope you enjoy!

Make sure to check out my latest recipe for creamy crockpot white chicken chili!

Greek Yogurt Lime Pops

Greek Yogurt Lime Pops

These greek yogurt lime pops pack a tangy, zesty punch! Refreshing citrus flavor with a super creamy texture. The best part is that they are fat free!
Prep Time 10 minutes
Course Dessert
Servings 4 popsicles


  • popsicle molds


  • 1⅓ cups 0% fat plain greek yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 2 limes – juice of 1 ½ limes
  • 1 teaspoon lime zest
  • 1 pinch of salt


  • In a medium bowl, mix together greek yogurt, lime juice, lime zest and honey.
  • Pour batter in popsicle molds evenly.
  • Freeze for 3-4 hours.
  • To help loosen the popsicles out of molds, run under warm water for 20-30 seconds.
  • Enjoy!
Keyword dessert, frozen pops, ice cream, popsicles, sweets
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