Blackberry Cheesecake Brownies

These blackberry cheesecake brownies are so decadent and delicious! Dense brownies have a fudge like consistency, topped with a creamy cheesecake and swirled with a fresh blackberry puree!

Ok, first of all…look at that color! These blackberry cheesecake brownies are delicious, and beautiful! We do eat with our eyes after all.

This sweet treat has all of the good stuff in one bite. Chocolate, fudge brownie, creamy cheesecake, and a blackberry swirl. Chocolate, cream, and fruit. Sounds good to me!

It’s literally a layer of goodness. All of the flavors compliment each other so well.

What’s your favorite sweet treat? Do you have too many to have just one favorite? I know I do. That’s why this recipe is perfection. I can never pick just ONE. There are way too many delicious foods in this world to narrow it down to one.

Personally, I like my cookies and brownies to be dense and chewy. The brownie layer is so dense and fudgy. Just the way a brownie should be!

These guys are on the rich side, so chances are you’ll only want one. But thats good! Just means you’ll have left overs, and be able to savor them! Plus, you’ll save on your daily caloric intake :).

I mentioned the brownies are swirled with a fresh blackberry puree. I never realized how rewarding and easy it is to make purees from fresh fruit! Its delicious and again, look at that COLOR! Berries have some of the most pigmented colors.

If you’re a fan of desserts with fruit, make sure to check out another recipe of mine for vegan blueberry cookies!

blackberry cheesecake brownies

Blackberry Cheesecake Brownies

These blackberry cheesecake brownies are so decadent and delicious! Dense brownies have a fudge like consistency, topped with a creamy cheesecake and swirled with a fresh blackberry puree!
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour 15 minutes
Course Dessert
Servings 16 brownies


For The Blackberry Puree

  • 6 oz. fresh or frozen blackberries I used fresh
  • 1/4 cup granulated white sugar
  • 1/4 cup water

For The Brownies

  • 3/4 cups cocoa powder, unsweetened
  • cup granulated white sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 12 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted You can use salted butter, just don't add the 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/2 cup all purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

For The Cheesecake

  • 8 oz. cream cheese, very soft, room temperature It's very important to make sure this ingredient is at room temperature to prevent clumping in the batter.
  • 1/4 cup plain greek yogurt, room temperature It's very important to make sure this ingredient is at room temperature to prevent clumping in the batter.
  • 1 large egg, room temperature It's very important to make sure this ingredient is at room temperature to prevent clumping in the batter.
  • 1/4 cup granulated white sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt


Make Blackberry Puree

  • In a small saucepan, add all ingredients. Cook over medium high heat for about 10-15 minutes, whisking occasionally. Try to break up blackberry pieces until mushy and soft.
  • When cooked, using a fine mesh strainer over a small bowl, pour in blackberry mixture. Press blackberry pieces and mixture through strainer using a spatula until liquid stops dripping out. Dispose of the solids. Set aside puree in small bowl and let cool.

Make Brownies

  • Preheat oven to 325°. Line an 8×8 baking dish with parchment paper or non stick spray.
  • In a large bowl mix together sugar, butter, eggs, vanilla and salt. Fold in flour and cocoa powder until well combined into batter. Pour into baking dish and spread out evenly. Batter may be a little thick.

Make Cheesecake

  • In a stand mixer with paddle attachment, or handheld mixer cream together cream cheese and sugar until smooth and creamy. Add Greek Yogurt. Mix until well combined.
  • Add egg and vanilla. Mix well until smooth.
  • Pour over brownie batter and spread out evenly.
  • Drizzle puree over cheesecake and swirl in with a knife, making sure not to dip into brownie layer.
  • Bake in preheated oven for 1 hour.
  • Chill for at least 2 hours or overnight.
  • Enjoy!
Keyword brownies, cheesecake, dessert
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