Caramelized Onion & Blue Cheese Pizza

Ok…one word…PIZZA! Who doesn’t like it? I don’t think I have met anyone who doesn’t! This caramelized onion and blue cheese pizza is one of my favorite go to pizza recipes. The best thing about pizza is that you can customize it to exactly what you like. You can pretty much put anything on it. Now, there are some things that I don’t recommend you top your pizza with. But hey, you do you.

Now, on to this b-e-a-utiful recipe! This caramelized onion & blue cheese pizza is literally bursting with flavor, and is so so simple. I have this infinite love for onions. I love the look of them, the smell, the taste, everything! They are a beautiful, flavor filled vegetable. When you caramelize them, they are just that much better.

Cheese is pretty much my middle name. Blue cheese is very pungent and strong, but when it’s used and combined with the right ingredients, the flavor is incredible!

For this recipe, all you will need is pre-made pizza dough (or you can make homemade which is a great option), tomato paste, olive oil, blue cheese (or gorgonzola), shredded cheddar cheese, and a large sweet onion.

caramelized onion & blue cheese pizza

You want to start by preheating your oven to 375 degrees. While the oven heats up, you want to cut up your onion into thin circles.

Over medium heat, heat up 1 tablespoon of olive oil in saute pan. Add your onions to the pan, and caramalize for about 15 minutes, or when they start to turn translucent and brown.

Once the onions are done, set pan aside and let onions cool off a bit.

Next, you want to lay out your pizza dough and get it ready to dress up! I have a pizza stone, and pizza peel. If you don’t have a pizza peel or pizza stone, make sure to spread your pizza dough out on a greased sheet pan or cookie sheet for easy transfer to oven. I always lay out a sheet of parchment paper, and sprinkle it with flour, as well as get my hands floured up, just so the dough doesn’t stick.

Now it’s time for the fun part…dressing your pizza!! You can either use your choice of a pizza sauce, or any sauce, but for this specific recipe, I like to use tomato paste, with some water to dilute it into a sauce. Take 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, and mix with 2 tablespoons of water. Spread evenly over dough.

Next, you want to add your cooled off onions. Spread them around evenly so each bite of this delicious pizza is a tasteful one!

Next, cheese time! There is no specific amount of blue cheese and cheddar cheese that I added, I just sprinkled it around evenly. If you are a cheese head, add as much as you prefer!

Time to bake! I have a pizza stone, and a pizza peel. I slide the pizza peel under the parchment paper that the uncooked pizza is on and transfer it right to the pizza stone, parchment paper and all. If you don’t have a pizza stone, or pizza peel, you can just use a sheet pan, or cookie sheet to place the pizza on like I said earlier on. If you don’t have a pizza stone or pizza peel, get one! They are awesome! I will add links at the bottom of this page of the pizza stone and pizza peel that I have if you are looking to get one. If you make pizza a lot, they are absolutely worth it!

Bake the pizza 12-15 minutes. When the crust is a golden brown and the cheese is nice and bubbly, then it’s done!

Pizza Peel on Amazon
Pizza Stone on Amazon







Caramelized Onion & Blue Cheese Pizza

Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 5 minutes
Servings 2 people


  • 1 pkg pre-made pizza dough or you can use your favorite homemade pizza dough recipe
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tbsp tomato paste
  • 2 tbsp water
  • 1 large sweet onion
  • blue cheese or gorgonzola
  • shredded cheddar cheese


  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  • Cut onions into thin circles. Add your tablespoon of olive oil to a saute pan over medium high heat, add the onions and caramelize for about 15 minutes, until onions are translucent and light brown. Once they are done, take off heat, and set aside to cool.
  • While the onions are cooking, you want to lay out and spread out your pizza dough into a circular shape.
  • Mix together your tomato paste and water for the sauce. Add sauce to your pizza
  • Add the cooled of onions, spread out evenly.
  • Add your shredded cheese and blue cheese evenly.
  • Bake in preheated oven for 12-15 minutes or until crust is a very light golden brown and cheese is bubbly. Enjoy!!
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