Skillet Peach Cobbler

This skillet peach cobbler is thriving with peaches! Every bite is a sweet and juicy bite, with a soft but crispy, buttery crust!

My cast iron skillet has been my new favorite tool to cook and bake in. I had to make a skillet peach cobbler. I’ve had it for a few years now, and never used it, up until a little while ago. Now I’m obsessed!

Not only does it offer me great photo opportunities, but it also cooks and bakes my recipes perfectly!

If you aren’t a proud owner of a cast iron skillet, you should absolutely become one!!

Tis the season of peaches. Peach everything and anything. With them being so sweet and juicy, you can pretty much incorporate them into any dessert dish. You just have to be creative!

Ive always been a fan of peach cobbler. I haven’t had it for quite sometime though. I can’t even remember where I had my last peach cobbler.

“Cast iron skillet, meet peach cobbler”. They became friends instantly!

I’m thinking that peach season is at its peak right now. I was having a hard time finding good peaches for a while. Recently every peach that I’ve purchased has been soft and juicy! You want to make sure to pick peaches that are ripened. No one likes a hard, dry peach in their dessert dish!

This skillet peach cobbler is so stinkin’ simple! It takes a while to bake, but that’s ok, because the oven does that part for you!

If you don’t happen to have a cast iron skillet, no worries. you can always use a pie dish, or a 9×9 baking pan.

Make sure to check out my recipe for grilled peaches with vanilla ice cream!

Skillet Peach Cobbler

Skillet Peach Cobbler

Servings 4 People


  • 4 Large Peaches, cut into thin wedges
  • 1/2 Cup Butter, unsalted and melted
  • 1 TSP Baking Powder
  • 1 Cup Flour
  • 1 Cup Sugar
  • 1 Pinch Salt
  • 1 Cup Milk


  • Preheat oven to 425º.
  • In medium bowl, mix together flour, baking powder, salt, sugar and milk. Mix until everything is well combined, smooth and creamy.
  • In a cast iron skillet, pie dish or 9x9 baking dish add cut up peaches.
  • Pour melted butter on top of peaches, evenly.
  • Pour crust batter on top of peaches evenly. It's ok if not every peach is covered in batter.
  • Bake in preheated oven for about 35-45 minutes. Its done when the crust starts to turn a golden brown.
  • Enjoy!
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