Healthy Edible Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookie Dough

This edible cookie dough recipe tastes way too good to be healthy…but it is! It has the perfect smooth, thick and creamy texture that cookie dough has! With chunks of delicious chocolate chips.

I am a total sucker for cookie dough. Always have been, always will be. I can never make a batch of cookies without licking the spoon, or sneaking pieces here and there.

They say you should never eat raw cookie dough with egg in it. Well, here I am. Still alive. I have never gotten sick from it. Hold on while I knock on some wood! But in all seriousness, eating raw cookie dough is a chance you take.

Luckily, I stumbled upon this recipe on Pinterest for healthy edible cookie dough, using chickpeas and a few other simple ingredients. I thought to myself “there is no way this will taste just like the real stuff.” Ohhhh was I wrong…

This recipe is amazing. I have tried a few “healthy” edible cookie dough recipes before, and they were absolutely disgusting. They didn’t satisfy my cravings for the real stuff.

Just look at it. It looks exactly how a fresh roll of pre-made cookie dough looks, straight out of the package.

The fact that this cookie dough recipe consists of only 6 simple ingredients…its insane. It blew my mind when I tried it. My husband tried it too, and his exact words were “are you kidding me?!”.

Even though this recipe is for cookie dough, the consistency was soft after I made it comparable to the texture and consistency of hummus. This recipe could absolutely be a dessert hummus as well.

Let me explain to you how simple this recipe is…are you ready?

You put 1 can of chickpeas (drained + rinsed) in a food blender, or if you don’t have a food blender, you can use a blender you would use for smoothies and such.

Blend your chickpeas until they are completely blended up, and you don’t see any bug chunks.

Add your peanut butter, maple syrup, and vanilla extract. You want to make sure you use smooth all natural peanut butter, 100% pure maple syrup and pure vanilla extract.

Blend all of those ingredients together until you have a smooth consistency. I blended mine on “puree” for about 3-4 minutes.

Transfer your dough mixture to a medium bowl. Add your chocolate chips, and mix them around until there are evenly combined into your dough.

You can use a dairy free chocolate chip if you’d like to make this recipe completely dairy free.

Wrap your cookies dough up in plastic wrap. Try making it into a long tube shape, just to resemble the cookie dough you would buy in the tubes at the grocery store, which makes it even more appealing.

You want to chill it in your fridge for a few hours, just to harden it up a little bit. Or, like I said you can eat it as a dessert hummus. The chilling process isn’t required. It just helps it harden to a good cookie dough like texture.

After a few hours, take it out of your fridge, and unwrap it. It looks exactly like a roll of store bought cookie dough would look! It’s insane.

Now it’s time to decide how you want to eat it. Straight from the roll with a spoon, or in a bowl with a spoon, or you could dip it with anything your heart desires!

Either way, there is no wrong or right way to eat this deliciousness. This cookie dough should keep well in a tightly sealed container for up to a week. Or you could keep it in its roll, in the plastic wrap.


Healthy Edible Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookie Dough

Healthy Edible Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookie Dough


  • 1 can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
  • 1/3 cup all natural peanut butter, smooth
  • 1/3 cup 100% Pure Maple Syrup
  • 1/2 teaspoon Pure Vanilla Extract
  • dash Salt
  • 2-3 tablespoons chocolate chips Depends on how many you want in your dough. You can use dairy free chocolate chips to make this recipe completely dairy free. Or your favorite kind of chocolate chip


  • In a food blender, or a blender blend together your chickpeas. make sure there are no large chunks and that everything looks smooth.
  • Add your vanilla, maple syrup and peanut butter. Blend for about 3-4 minutes. Make sure everything looks nice and smooth.
  • Transfer dough mixture to a medium size bowl to mix. Mix in chocolate chips evenly.
  • Place dough mixture in plastic wrap and make shape of a tube of cookie dough. Wrap up and let chill for a few hours.
  • Enjoy with a spoon!! Or as a dessert hummus!!
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